Free Fall Maneuvering: fly in virtual space.
Our new PARASIM Free Fall Maneuvering feature is a safe, repeatable way for jumpers to practice tetherless control of position during the free fall stage of a jump. It’s a fully immersive experience, physically and mentally.
Get more out of training jumps. Increase mission safety and success.
Rehearse your mission on the ground with our virtual reality parachute training system, and you’ll get more out of live training jumps, whether static line or free fall. Our realistic, immersive simulations prepare you for high-risk situations without risk, on the ground.
Realistic Dynamics and Controls
Practice handling equipment malfunctions and avoiding collisions in the face of weather changes and external threats. Maintain situational awareness. Recognize hypoxia. Execute military free fall maneuvers. Virtual reality and physics-based movement-sensing respond to the jumper, creating an immersive, realistic jump experience.
Equipment Transition Training
Experience new canopies and get familiar with their dynamics, potential malfunctions, and response to controls before jumping the real thing. The PARASIM® canopy library currently includes over 40 military canopies, and more are being added all the time. We work with canopy manufacturers to ensure that our virtual canopies respond accurately to jumper inputs according to their aerodynamic properties.
Free Fall Maneuvering: fly in virtual space.
The PARASIM® Free Fall Maneuvering feature is a safe, repeatable way for jumpers to practice tetherless control of body position during the free fall stage of a jump. It’s a fully immersive experience, physically and mentally.
Hold steady state, track and turn
CFD-based aerodynamics and body-sensing technology replicate the experience of free fall, responding to body motion and providing a continuous real-time visual and sensory feedback loop. Track. Turn. Control speed. Hold steady state. Maneuver in virtual space before opening your canopy, to avoid collisions with other jumpers and prevent entanglements.
Complete HAHO/HALO Training
In combination with the PARASIM® Motorized Horizontal Start Frame and exit altitudes up to 30,000ft, the virtual Free Fall Maneuvering feature bridges the gap between the vertical wind tunnel and PARASIM®’s classic under-canopy training, providing complete training from exit to landing.
Modularized Design
The PARASIM® free fall maneuvering module is available as an add-on to any PARASIM® system with the Motorized Horizontal Start Frame. Contact us for more information about available configurations.
Fine-tune your team and your mission
Our Network feature lets teams jump together and rehearse missions in real time as a group. Get your group to gel as a team, from exit to a safe and accurate landing at designated targets. Instructors can observe everyone during simulated jumps. Afterwards, watch and critique as a group – our system enables you to go back over everyone’s perceptions and actions for after-action review.
Train using real-world terrain and wind conditions you are going to encounter – whether in a static line, free fall, or HAHO/HALO jump. Familiarize jumpers with the planned mission route and target location, practice navigation and grouping, and rehearse contingency plans.
Proven military parachute training solution
A before-and-after study of 600 military jumpers demonstrated improved performance and confidence across all levels of experience (novice to jumpmaster) after training with PARASIM®. Challenges included handling of malfunctions and avoidance of hazards while landing in compliance with the mission.
Contact Us
Ready to enhance your parachute training with PARASIM®? Contact us today to learn more about our virtual reality simulation solutions, request a demo, or discuss custom configurations for your training needs. Our team is here to help you maximize safety and mission success.
Track and Turn with PARASIM Free Fall Maneuvering Feature